

Man receiving a dental exam

How To Prevent Gum Disease

As the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, periodontal disease, otherwise known as gum disease, is an inflammatory condition that happens when toxins in plaque begin to deteriorate bone and gum tissue in the mouth. The disease can affect tissues surrounding the tooth, and even the jawbone itself. Unfortunately, periodontal disease isn’t always blatantly apparent until the pain or irritation becomes extremely noticeable, and in turn calls for immediate action.

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woman eating strawberry

Foods That Benefit Your Smile

Some of the worst foods for your teeth are still important to incorporate into your diet, as they provide vital nutrients to other parts of your body. How can you maintain a well-balanced diet, eat what you love, and keep your teeth protected all at once? We have put together a list of popular foods that require extra dental care after eating, the foods that have positive effects on your smile, and the steps you can take to keep your teeth protected from what you put on your plate this summer. 

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Man with healthy smile

Best Practices for Preventing Tooth Decay

Preventing tooth decay is a joint effort between you, your dentist and your hygienist. Tooth decay is a common issue that can result from a number of external factors—with the lack of an active prevention plan somewhere near the top.

Even with proper preventative techniques in place, lifestyle adjustments may need to be made to combat certain medical conditions, genetic history and medicinal side effects that can all have an effect on the rate and intensity of tooth decay.

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